My Farm, My Choice
If you have paid any attention to the abortion argument going on in the U.S., you have likely heard the phrase “My body, my choice.” Often chanted by toad-like feminist with Harry Potter glasses. It is astounding that this phrase has shut down ill-equipped pro-lifers for so long even though it has no logical standing. When the democrats of today say, “my body, my choice,” I can hear the democrats of the 1860’s chanting, “my farm, my choice.”
The arguments, in essence, are the same. Throughout the dialogue that ensues between a pro-lifer and an abortionist, simply replace the word body with farm and the word fetus with Negros. The baby killers will say that no one gets to have a say over what they do with their body, and the slave holders said in the past that no one gets to have a say over how they run their farm. The feminists will say that if you don’t like abortion, then don’t get one. The democrat party of the 1860’s also argued that if you don’t like slavery then don’t purchase slaves. Then the abortionists will argue from a position of personhood. They will say that because of a baby’s lack of knowledge and function they are not yet persons and therefore an abortion is just the vacuuming out of cells. The democrat slave owners used the exact same logic to defend their rights to own slaves, saying that the Negros were not as smart nor were they as capable as the white folk, therefore it would be better that they were slaves than just out roaming the street.
It sounds almost as if the slave owner is actually compassionate to the negro for giving him a sense of purpose. The pro-choicers of today make the exact same argument! They pretend to be compassionate by saying things like “I don’t want to bring children into this messed up world.” Gee, pro-choicer, did you ever consider that the world was messed up because you are advocating for the death of the innocent? At least the slave owners of the 1800’s had enough moral decency to provide food and shelter for their slaves as opposed to just offing them in their most vulnerable stage. I am not saying that there was no abuse or unjust killing of the slaves. I am saying that the abortionists of today are far more wicked and cruel to their victims than the democrat slave owners ever were.
In this day and age, we inherently recognize the true evil that the slave trade was. Yet, we cower and crumble before the mob of pink hair shouting about killing babies and wonder if maybe they have a point. The abortion industry is far more wicked and evil and contributes to the modern day slave trade that is going on today. Unfortunately, girls, often under the age of 18, are being sexually trafficked in our own backyard. Naturally, she will get pregnant, and now the commodity of the sex trafficking industry is no longer useful to them unless she gets an abortion. The abortion industry has much more in common with the southern slave trade than they think. The democrats have a long history of defending the wicked.
Abraham Lincoln recognized this when he wrote in 1854, “You say A. is white, and B. is black. It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be a slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own.
You do not mean color exactly?—You mean whites are intellectually the superiors to blacks, and therefore have the right to enslave them? Take care again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an intellect superior to your own.
But say you, it is a question of interest; and, if you can make it your interest, you have the right to enslave another. Very well. And if he can make it his interest, he has the right to enslave you.” 1
These arguments go hand in hand with the abortion debate going on today. Any reason a person can justify killing another human can always circle back to themselves. Is it size? The bigger can kill the smaller? Is it dependence? The capable can kill the helpless? Is it consciousness? Don’t ever fall asleep then, it is okay to murder the unconscious!
The pro-choicer might scream about how conservatives are all white supremacist racists, not only are they incorrect, but they also have no leg to stand on. All their pro-choice arguments were stolen from their racist democrat ancestors and justify the enslavement or the elimination of an entire people group. Hitler would blush if he could see the result of Margret Sanger’s holocaust.
Which leads to the pro-choicer’s last desperate attempt to justify their argument: it is not a human. At this point, they ought to just be laughed out of the room. What else would it be? A dog? It is obviously a human. The slave owners of the 1800’s made similar arguments about the black race. The organism that appears upon conception has its own unique human DNA and will have a heartbeat twenty-two days later. 2 It is unmistakably human and has rights that are endowed by its Creator, among those being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 3 That statement, reiterated from the Declaration of Independence, ensures rights to all men; no matter their skin color, their financial status, born or unborn. It sets free the fetus and the black race. Every life has value and is equal to another. Pro-lifers need to be equipped with this knowledge to dismantle the abortion movement.
- Abraham Lincoln, “Notes Regarding Slavery,” July 1, 1854.
- Sarah Terzo, “Science Is Clear: Life Begins at Fertilization | Human Life | Abortion,” Live Action News, January 13, 2013,
- Thomas Jefferson, “Declaration of Independence,” National Archives (The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, July 4, 1776),